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Chosen But Delayed

Updated: Dec 29, 2023

So he sent for him and had him brought in. He was glowing with health and had a fine appearance and handsome features.

1 Samuel 16:12 (NIV)

Growing up I think one of the most rewarding feelings was playing outside with your friends; amid this technological age children have not encountered the joys regarding outside play. We used to play tag, 1-2-3 red light, hide-go-seek, etc. I recall going to the basketball court in the neighborhood or at a family picnic to run a pickup game, if ever there was a nervous moment was the moment of whether you would be selected to be on the team. I was not the greatest basketball player, but I was selected to be on the team even though I didn’t start the game. During my younger age I wrestled with being Chosen but Delayed, in my adult years this concept makes much more sense to me.

It’s here in the verse for today that we read the selection process for young David to become the next King. Saul has been rejected by God and now God has directed Samuel to anoint the next king who will come from Jesse’s house. Samuel has gone through all of Jesse’s sons in the house who look like they should be king yet none of them are chosen. As a result Samuel asks Jesse are these all your sons. Jesse responds there is still the youngest who is tending sheep, they send for him. Then the lord said to Samuel, “arise and anoint him; this is the one.” David has been chosen to become the next King, but he doesn’t take the throne immediately, in fact scholars suggest it was at least 15 or so years before David walks in this new assignment.

How do you move forward knowing that you’ve been chosen for a position yet there is delay in your fulfillment of the position? You’ve been chosen but delayed, waiting while knowing the job or role is yours, wrestling with the clock of God. I recognize this is what you’ve gifted me to do but where is the door for me to walk through for utilization of the gift? I believe that during the process of delay there is development! How did you manage the delay? What feelings or emotions arise during your waiting process? I know God’s timing is the best timing but what about how I am feeling at this holding place, delay doesn’t change my being chosen but there are still some things that come with the delay.

Talk to me readers…….

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Aug 05, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

This message was right on time for me, because there are times when I doubt what God has promised me, and I want to run ahead of him to get to the end, but then he'll do something or say something through someone else to stop me in my tracks. I have had to say to myself often it matters what I do in the wait. It doesn't matter what everyone else around me is doing, What God has for me will come when I am ready to receive it, but it doesn't mean that while I wait that I do nothing.


Aug 02, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

God’s timing is perfect, He lets you think He forgot and just when you’re ready to give up… He blows your mind! I’m learning to be content in every circumstance, because He doesn’t let me down! I know what I’m chosen for, I think that at this point God is just waiting for me to get out my own way so He can do what He said he was going to do! He doesn’t give you the desires of your heart when you aren’t prepared to receive them! I know for a fact as much as I feel I’m ready for a few things I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t be scared outta my mind if it happened…

Joshua Goodin
Joshua Goodin
Aug 02, 2023
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Thanks for sharing, Due time! That’s a thought, would I be ready if God allowed it to happen today? Sometimes we’re in such a hurry yet we not ready for the manifestation.


Aug 02, 2023

I have come to a place in my life and walk with GOD that has made me realize even though I am chosen for the assignment timing is key and that help me realize that I need to focus on being developed, so that when it’s time for me to walk-in the assignment I will be fully prepared. This will save me the hassle of backtracking trying get understanding and tools etc. and being unstable in a place that GOD has divinely positioned me to be in the now.

”God will finish what he started“

Ephesians 2:10

Joshua Goodin
Joshua Goodin
Aug 02, 2023
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Thanks for sharing, not allowing the development will always lead to having to backtrack your steps. There’s no wasted time when God controls the clock.


Aug 02, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I have learned you have to trust Gods timing just because its not happening now doesn't mean its not going to happened. I have always wanted to open my own shelter for families (Jackie's Place) and do mission work I walked away from a good paying job to do what I love. God give me my wish and now I help run one of the top Families shelter in the city. I know this is preparing for my next Level. The wait can be hard but it will be worth it trust GOD!

Joshua Goodin
Joshua Goodin
Aug 02, 2023
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Thanks for sharing! God always prepares you for what is prepared for you. Development is another form of on job training. You just getting ready for your NEXT!


D Rowell
D Rowell
Aug 02, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Delay is hard because most of us see it as denial. We want so badly to be at the finish line that we forget about the development process in between which prepares us to maintain when we get to the finish. Being present is the way I try to deal with the delay. What’s happening now to help me prepare for what’s to come.

Joshua Goodin
Joshua Goodin
Aug 02, 2023
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Thanks for comment. Delay is definitely hard, if we’re not carefully we will misread delay as denial for sure. I love that idea of being present, I said it Sunday sometimes the most difficult part in showing up is showing up. Keep showing up!

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